Sunday, November 30, 2008

Entry 13.

NOTE: This is a blog entry I completely forgot to put up a little while ago…Which is why it’s so out of date….

Editing a piece you thought you had finished feels like digging up a body you’ve already buried to put ridiculous yet important things on it, like that person’s favourite bowtie, lucky socks, and that hat with the fur around the edges which always looked ludicrous but they wouldn’t be seen in the winter without wearing it- these things are tedious to do, but in order to do that person justice, you’ve got to dig up the corpse and dress it up.

Great. I’ve just used the analogy of digging up a corpse to represent editing my piece. I swear I won’t be quite as morbid throughout the rest of this blog entry.

Here is my checklist of things to fix:

‘Moderato’ marking- it goes above only the flute and piano line in the score…CHECK.
‘Synthesizer’ isn’t specific…So I have to change the name of that staff…CHECK.
No dynamics on rests…CHECK.
take out the ‘cresc’ in the repeated section….CHECK
Indicate what dynamic to start at and finish on in the repeated section…CHECK
Indicate the speed of the presto section…CHECK
notes in bar 42-43 too fast for piano…change them…CHECK
Respace the score…CHECK- I finally figured out how to fit the score on the page better! Thank goodness for google!
Take out dynamics in LH of piano…CHECK
Edit tangled slurs…
Wite a drum part just in case the keyboard doesn’t have the drum button…CHECK.

Well, the ‘corpse’ is dressed, now to take it to the next step and release it into the public. Let’s just hope this doesn’t end up like Frankenstein…

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